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Preview & Feedback PineConnector Analytics is currently in preview mode. If you have any feedback, please share it with us here.

We have just launched PineConnector Analytics, making it available to all users across all plan types (Starter, Advanced, and Professional). This new feature provides an in-depth view of your trading account performance, allowing you to track key metrics and gain insights into your strategies.

Starter, Advanced, and Professional users can view analytics for 1, 3, and 10 concurrent accounts, respectively.

Whether you’re testing it during the trial or using it with a full subscription, PineConnector Analytics offers an opportunity to better understand your trading performance and make data-driven decisions.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to view your trading account performance using PineConnector Analytics:

1. Run the PineConnector MT5 EA v3.41

Run the MT5 EA v3.41 or later. Don’t have the updated EA? Download it here.

2. Enable PineConnector Analytics

In the EA settings, scroll to the bottom and enable “PineConnector Analytics”.


3. Wait for Data to Load

Refresh your PineConnector Analytics page. Depending on the size of your trading account history, it may take up to a few minutes for the data to process. Once complete, you’ll be able to view your trading account performance.



What if I don’t want to share my trading account data?

You are not required to use PineConnector Analytics. It is a self-opt-in feature, not enabled by default. If you choose not to activate it in the EA settings, no trading account data will be processed or shared.

Is PineConnector Analytics available for MT4 users?

No, PineConnector Analytics is only available for MT5 users at this time. The feature is designed to work with MT5 EA v3.41 and above.

Will enabling Analytics interfere with my trading activities?

No, enabling Analytics will not impact your trading activities. The feature operates in the background and processes data independently of trade execution or EA performance.

How often is the data updated?

The Analytics Dashboard updates when you attach the EA to your trading account. Additionally, you can manually refresh the data by clicking the blue Refresh button near the “Last Updated” timestamp on the dashboard.


What happens if I disconnect a trading account?

If you disconnect a trading account, its metrics will no longer be visible in the Analytics Dashboard. Only connected trading accounts are displayed and analyzed. To view metrics for a disconnected account again, you will need to reconnect the EA.

How many accounts can I view in the Analytics Dashboard?

The Analytics Dashboard is available for Starter, Advanced, and Professional users, with support for viewing analytics of 1, 3, and 10 concurrent accounts, respectively.

Can users on the Trial Plan access PineConnector Analytics?

Yes, users on the Trial Plan can access PineConnector Analytics during the preview period. Trial users are included in the Advanced Plan tier, allowing them to view analytics for up to 3 concurrent accounts. To get started, they need to enable the feature through the MT5 EA v3.41.

Further Reading

Profitability Across Various Win Ratios

A profitable trading system doesn’t require both a high Reward-to-Risk (R:R) ratio and a high win rate. The table below highlights the breakeven win rate for different R:R ratios:

Breakeven Win Rate

For example, if you are risking $1 to earn $2 (R:R = 2), your breakeven win rate is 33%. This means that even with a win rate of 40%, which some might consider low, you can still achieve profitability over the long term.

To analyze your system’s performance further, you can calculate expectancy, which measures the average profit or loss you can expect per trade:

Expectancy Formula

Expectancy=(Win Rate×Average Win)(Loss Rate×Average Loss)\text{Expectancy} = (\text{Win Rate} \times \text{Average Win}) - (\text{Loss Rate} \times \text{Average Loss})


  • Win Rate: The percentage of trades you win.
  • Loss Rate: The percentage of trades you lose, or (1 - Win Rate).
  • Average Win: The average profit from winning trades.
  • Average Loss: The average loss from losing trades.

Example Calculation If your win rate is 40% (0.4), your loss rate is 60% (0.6), your average win is $100, and your average loss is $50:

Expectancy=(0.4×100)(0.6×50)\text{Expectancy} = (0.4 \times 100) - (0.6 \times 50)Expectancy=4030=10\text{Expectancy} = 40 - 30 = 10

In this case, the expectancy is $10, meaning you can expect to earn $10 on average per trade over the long run.

Understanding this relationship between win rate, R:R, and expectancy is essential for designing a sustainable and profitable trading system. By improving specific aspects like entry timing, exit strategies, or position sizing, you can push your expectancy further into positive territory.


Analytics Feedback

We’d like to know how you found the initial version of PineConnector Analytics. Are there metrics you like to see added?


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