Getting Started


Multi-Instance Signals

Multi-Instance Signals

Multi-Instance Signals

Premium Feature This feature is available exclusively to users on the Advanced plan (including trial) and the Professional plan.

The multi-instance signals feature is when you have multiple trading accounts connected to a single trading License ID, and sending an alert to that License ID will replicate the trade instructions to all the connected trading accounts.

We understand that many of you manage multiple trading accounts – perhaps a combination of a proprietary firm account and your personal one, or you might be comparing strategies across live and demo accounts.

With Multi-Instance Signals, sending a signal to one License ID replicates the signal across all instances associated with that License ID. For example, suppose you have connected two trading accounts to License ID 6871135486089.


Sending a signal to this License ID ensures that both accounts, numbered 2364382 and 5013733780, concurrently receive the identical signal.


In the Signal Logs, we can see that for Signal ID 3013, the system generates Signal 3013.1 for Account 2364382 and Signal 3013.2 for Account 5013733780. This occurs despite the accounts being distinct.

The platform allows for the connection of up to 10 trading accounts to a single License ID under the non-enterprise version.