Getting Started



Tasks (new!)




First Phase We’re kicking off Tasks with just a few essential automations to keep things simple and useful. Premium tasks and advanced notification features (like Telegram support) are already in the works—stay tuned!

Tasks in PineConnector lets you automate essential trading actions, like closing all trades weekly or receiving instant notifications if your connection drops, all without writing any code.

Why did we create Tasks? Well, we noticed many of our users were trying to do similar things but often struggled because PineScript coding isn't everyone's strong suit. In fact, based on a survey of 739 PineConnector users, the average PineScript proficiency (self-rated) is just 4.96 out of 10. We knew we had to do something to help, and that's why Tasks was born!

Here's how Tasks will work based on your plan:

  • Starter Plan: You get to set up 1 basic task (though no limit for now!), with notifications option of email only.
  • Advanced Plan: You can set up to 3 tasks, including both basic and premium ones, with notifications options of email and Telegram (coming soon).
  • Professional Plan: Unlimited basic and premium tasks, along with email and Telegram notifications options.
Please note that you will need to run PineConnector MT5 EA v3.43 or later for PineConnector tasks to work.

Basic Tasks

Basic tasks are available to all users (Starter, Advanced, and Professional).


Close All Trades

Automatically closes all open trades at a specified day and time each week.

  • In the Close All Trades tile, select the day and time you’d like PineConnector to close all trades, including both market orders (e.g., buy and sell) and pending orders (e.g., buystop, selllimit).
  • The configured time is based on your local timezone, displayed at the bottom of the tile (as shown in the screenshot example: GMT+8).
  • The Delivery Method determines how you’ll be notified when the “Close All Trades” action is executed. You can select your preferred notification method or opt out entirely. Notifications are optional; if no method is selected, PineConnector will still perform the action silently at the configured time.
    • For email notifications, the default email will be the one you used to log in. You can check this in the Activity tab at the bottom, but it cannot be changed. Telegram support will be added later!
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  • When the Close All Trades task triggers, you’ll see details in your Expert Advisor indicating Running Task, followed by Finished Task once completed.
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  • In the Task’s Activity Log, you can review the timestamp, task name, notification channel, actions performed, and the current status of each task.
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  • If you have chosen to be notified via email, you will receive an email informing you of the triggered task, the trading account number and broker name, a list of all closed positions along with their timestamps, and the total profit resulting from closing all trades.
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Trading Time Limit

Ensure trades only occur during your selected market hours.

  • Configure your preferred trading hours based on your local time. Your detected local time will be displayed at the bottom (e.g., GMT+8 in the screenshot example).
  • You can set trading hours, such as:
    • Within a day: Start at 3 PM and end at 5 PM.
    • Overnight (across two days): Start at 10 PM and end at 3 AM
  • If you specify an end time of 3:13 PM, active trading hours will continue until 3:12:59 PM and will exclude 3:13:00 PM.
  • If you are within the hours, signals will be processed normally.
  • If you are outside the specified trading hours, the signal will be halted and you will see the following:
    • Signal Log
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    • Expert Advisor
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Premium Tasks (coming later)

Premium tasks will be available exclusively to Advanced users (including the 14-day Advanced trial) and Professional users.

Connection Lost

Automatically notifies you whenever your account disconnects.

Signal Error

Automatically alerts you whenever there’s a signal error.